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Quinn Family Outreach Social Workers
Tiffany Martin, LICSW 508-997-3178 tiffanymartin@dartmouthschools.orgThe Outreach Social Workers at James M. Quinn Elementary School are available to help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and future readiness, ensuring today's students become productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. Referrals for outreach support services may be made by parents, teachers and school administration. Parents, if you feel your child could benefit from meeting with an outreach worker at school, please contact one of us or a school administrator to make a referral for your child.
2024 Great Kindness Challenge January 22-26. Quinn Elementary School is a Kindness Certified School!
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Hot Chocolate Talk campaign is to help parents and caregivers have crucial safety conversations with their children.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are some resources from the National Federation of Families;
Second Step is the social- emotional learning program used school wide. Students in grades K–5 at Quinn Elementary School meet with an outreach social worker and their classroom teacher on a weekly basis to continue developing their social-emotional skills, including making friends, managing emotions, and solving problems to set them on the path to social success and academic readiness.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
At Quinn Elementary: "I RESPECT you, I RESPECT me, I RESPECT everything I see!"
How can parents be involved?
Support a positive school climate.
Volunteer in school activities.
Celebrate your child's success.
Recognize and reinforce positive behaviors in your children at home.
Become familiar with your child's school behavioral expectations and incentive programs.
Sandbox learning Articles:
Ideas for Effective Communication between Home and School includes four ways for parents and professionals to establish efficient and effective communication systems.
Consistency matters when it comes to kids and sleep. Six Strategies for Making Bedtime Easier includes six tips to help establish and stick to a consistent bedtime routine.
Having Guests and Visiting Others provides seven helpful hints for teaching children how to be a polite host and a courteous guest.
Help prepare children for holiday activities with 8 Ways to Make Outings Less Stressful which includes tips for making any family outing or class trip less hectic.